• So I'm Annie...mid-30's, married and playful, East Coaster. I was hosting my blog on another server, but they deemed it too pornographic, so I'm here! I'm trying to move over some of my old posts, but they're not letting me access them all at the moment. Hopefully that will change. Anyway, hopefully I'll be chatting with some of you soon!



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  • I fancy myself a photographer. I had my own business a couple of years ago, but since our move I've not done as much shooting as I'd like. I've gotten very insecure about my abilities and taken on a day job to try and forget about what the one thing I really do love. This idea to reinvent myself has backfired; I'm a photographer. It's what I love and it's the one thing I've been pretty good at. So the other night my husband and I sat down at discussed an action plan to get my career back on track. We don't have the finances to invest in the advertising like I really need, so I'm going to have to rely on a lot of word-of-mouth referrals. In order to do that, it's networking time. In order to network, it's time to cut prices and even do a lot of free work. I actually don't mind free work if it's on a project I've designed, so I needed and idea and I came up with one.

    Last night I was at a local venue pitching this idea to a girlfriend of mine who I'd ideally like to model for me. She's insanely pretty, 24, 5'5, maybe 110 pounds, light brown hair and blue eyes. Her parents adopted her from Russia when she's was a baby; I adore her. She's never modeled before, but she has the perfect look and great style...I need her!

    So like I said, I'm pitching the idea to my girlfriend and this guy overhears and he comes over to introduce himself. His name is James, 25, over 6', very muscular, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. Very striking. He talks to me about how he's been trying to break into modeling, but he hasn't known what direction to go and who to contact. We discuss my project and how I could definitely see him fitting in and some ideas that I have for him. James is really nice, not cocky - seems genuinely interested in getting started. He introduces me and my girlfriend to a couple of his buddies he's with and we all enjoy the evening having beers and chatting.

    About an hour or so into our time with James and his friends, my friend Chris's band went on so my girlfriend and I said we were going to move closer so we could see them. James and his friends came with...all very cool guys, so we didn't mind. We ended up grabbing a stand up table, splitting a couple of pitchers of beers and dancing a bit together.

    It's last call and I'm out with my girl dancing and I feel someone come up behind me and start dancing. Thinking it James' friend Mike, I lean back and wrap my arm around his neck. Whoops, it's James. Oh well, we've all been drinking, and he did come up to me, so whatever. My girl and I are dancing rather provocatively with him and he's enjoying it and as the song ends, she squeezes my hand and walks off. I'm ready to follow her when James takes my hand and walks me back to the table. Okay, no biggie.

    We stay til close, all of us laughing and having a nice night out. My friend Chris comes over with his girlfriend and hangs out a bit. Really a good night. James and my girl have asked a few questions about the modeling project, so I'm excited about getting it going, but mostly I'm excited about this new group of people I've met. I'm noticing James is flirty, but nothing too bad. All of his friends are with both my girl and I, but I write it off.

    As we leave I said I was walking my friend to her car and then I'd go to mine since I was parked a couple of blocks past her. James offered to walk both of us since the beach crowd is starting to come back and it can be shady. We got to her car, he gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek and she was on her way. As we left for my car he had more modeling questions, so we stood at my car and discussed the project more. I expressed to him that I was excited he was on board and he said he was too. While we were at my car, I pulled up my portfolio on my phone so he could see more of my work and of course he saw that I shoot nudes.

    "You took these," he asked.

    I nodded, "It's not a big deal."

    "You've done men and women."

    "...and couples. Really, it's not that big a deal. It's just work. I get paid to take pictures."

    I knew what was coming

    "So, some of these guys, you've never done anything with them? There are some good looking dudes in here. Naked."

    I nervously laughed. What do you say to this? Because the truth is, yes, I have slept with a couple of my models. One was a planned thing. I did two shoots with him, the second one I set out to fuck him by the end of the shoot...and I did. He was a player and the whole second shoot was like foreplay; I can't explain it. We both knew what we were getting into for the second one...it was an excuse to fuck, plain and simple. The other two we became good friends and it just happened. None of those models were paying clients either...just want that to be known.

    I just shook my head.

    "You have! Which ones? Come on you have to tell me."

    "No...it's not like that. They were friends that modeled for me. I don't want it to sound like some skeevey abuse of power, it wasn't."

    "They? So it was more than one! I'm intrigued."

    I'm so embarrassed. "Look, you don't have to work with me. I can promise you I am completely professional. I have a ton of great references from both men and women. I'm really good at what I do and I think you'd be perfect for this, but if you've changed your mind, I understand."

    "What? I'm giving you a hard time. Shit happens. You're a sexy woman and I can imagine that most of these guys had thoughts about you. I'm going to do this, we're going to have fun...and maybe we'll have more fun than we initially thought."

    I'm positive I was already moist, but I'm just straight up wet now. I give him a smile and say, "we'll see."

    "We will."

    We exchange numbers and he gives me a hug a kiss on the cheek. I get in my car and leave. This morning I wake up to a text saying "glad I met you last night. We're gonna have fun. It's up to you as to how much we have." I need to hurry up and schedule his shoot.

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  • I'm a music lover and I go to a number of live shows. I'm really into singer/songwriters types, but I'm also into the indie rock scene as well. A couple of years ago I went to a music festival and I was introduced to a band that I fell in love with. Rootsy rockers with Christian undertones. Now, I'm an atheist, but I've always said "great music and lyrics can be about anything," so it never bothered me that some of their music was rather 'Jesusy'. When I first started listening, they'd been around for about a decade, but weren't big yet. They did a huge tour, opening for one of the premier crossover acts in the world and then they started appearing on Leno, Letterman, Kimmel and the like. It was fun as a die-hard fan to watch this band take off. I'd gotten the chance to meet and talk to them several times and they are very down-to-earth great guys; their lead guitarist and I always joking around and having some fun conversations about sports, music...whatever. Very nice people.

    Their lead singer...well, I've always said I'd leave my husband for him....I think I mean it too. He's married and has been for a while, but, OH. HOLY. SHIT. Is he ever sexy! He's not what you'd a 'pretty boy'. He's manly, rugged, and just oozes sex from his pores. Even his gruff  voice sends shivers through my body. He's got a couple of tattoos and he's just - WOW! Problem is, every time I get a chance to talk to him, I can't. My nerves get the best of me, I stammer and shake and I look like a 16-year-old fan girl who just wants to hump his leg. Our encounters have always been awkward, at best. Still, everyone knows how much I lust over this man; it's never been a secret. He's insanely sexy and he's the lead singer for my favorite band - and yes, I've been all over the entire east coast, NYC to Florida (and beyond), seeing their shows. Obsessed.

    So last week I had tickets to see them headline and I was stoked. Was meeting some friends for the show, but I had early access, so I separated from them and got into the venue early. Another friend, Jane, had already snuck in and was front row and saved me a spot. Scooted in next to her and waited for the show. First act...brilliant; love them. Now it was our band. We're both huge fans and both have massive crushes on the LS (lead singer). They come out and kill it. Just crush it. Now the LS has a habit of picking one girl and making major eye contact the whole show. That night it looked to be Jane, but then he noticed that Jane and I were together and by 4 or 5 songs in, I was getting the sexy stares and winks too. Um, hell yeah! Girls around us were asking if we knew him and we were like "kinda", since we had met him prior. After the show he walked to the edge of the stage and grabbed our hands, Jane grabbed his pic, and then he retreated back stage.

    Jane and I know they always do autograph signings by their bus post-show, so we head to where they were parked. It was drizzling, so there wasn't a huge crowd there. Some of my other friends were there waiting as well, so I chatted with them again. After waiting a couple minutes I hear Jane start to go nuts. I look up and she's pushing her phone at me saying "I'd tweeted LS right before the set...LOOK!" He had just sent her a direct message on Twitter asking "Do you want to hang out?"

    "What are you going to say? Say yes!" I said.

    She DM's back, "What do you have in mind?"

    After a few minutes he replies with, "I want to see what you think of the new music and see what you look like naked."

    We both stand there in shock. He's married and the band touts their Christian upbringing and morals. WHAT THE FUCK?!? About this time another friend of Jane's, Emma, joins us. Now Jane is very pretty...medium height, long black hair, very thin, Italian, stylish...Emma is probably 300 pounds, bad skin, etc. She shows Emma and they proceed to tell me about the last time they saw LS and he hit on Jane, giving her his email, etc.  Jane still hasn't responded so he messages back, "hello". She's still deciding on what to say because she wants to do something with him, but she doesn't want to feel cheap.

    After a few minutes the lead guitarist, and basically the face of the band is out and is over talking to us. He and I are discussing religion of all things and we look up and there's LS just staring at us. Not pissed, just observing. It's obvious LS and lead guitarist are a little drunk, but whatever. So I finish my conversation, hug the LG bye and LS walks straight over to me...remember, we're awkward around each other...and yes, they do remember me from previous meetings. He gives me a hug and a wink and does the same to Jane. Kinda nods toward Emma. Jane asks how he is and he says good and gives her a once over look and then he asks me how I am. I say that I'm well and he gives me the same look and then acts like he's about to start talking to Jane and snaps back to me and stares me down with this dead sexy look.

    "So are you have a good time tonight, honey", he asks me.


    "Good...good." Still looking me up and down.

    I'm not dressed provocative. Skinny jeans, black crop sweater with a camisole under and a wrap cardigan and black boots. Stylish and cute, but not sexy...also, believing that nothing would ever happen, I haven't shaved in 4 days and I need a bikini wax.

    I give him a smile, like 'you bastard. of all nights to come on to me...I really am so unprepared.'

    He glances at Jane and back to me, "you sisters?"


    "Are you sisters?," he asks again, smiling devilishly.

    Me, being an idiot, had no idea where he was going with this says "no, just friends. Met at your show a year ago."

    "That's too bad. Sister are a lot of fun."

    Again, what the fuck!

    Conversation continues and he's focused on Jane and I, completely ignoring Emma. She seems okay with this since she's completely amused by his over-the-top flirting/come on's towards Jane and I. At one point we are arguing about music and he calls me arrogant and cocky and I call him a dick.

    "I'm not cocky, you're just a dick," I tease.

    "It's okay, I like cocky and I'm sure you like..." and started smiling. I blushed this time.

    After a while his security guys were telling him it was time to go. He argued he didn't want to and refused to leave for a good addition ten minutes. Before the grabbed him and forced him to leave, he suggested photos. I've taken a dozen photos with this man...all have been awful because I'm too busy trying not too look like a fool that I end up looking like one anyway. Plus, he refuses to smile in photos...he just doesn't do it. So, he takes his pic with Jane and then grabs my waist. I put my finger in his face and say "only if you smile". "Oh, I will. It'll be a big one, too," he says back.

    As Emma is trying to figure out my camera he whispers in my ear, "still sure you're not sisters? Really like sisters."

    "I'll be whatever you want me to be if you just fucking smile, k?" I tell him.

    Emma interrupts to take the photo and he snatches my camera from her and says for me to look at the it. "See, I smiled, remember that for next time,' he says with a wink and then smacks my ass. LS starts to walk off and I call for him to come back because he still needs to do a photo with Emma; poor girl, he's completely neglected her the whole time. He quickly does. Hugs Jane and I and he's gone.

    We're standing there trying to digest everything and Jane's phone buzzes again. LS with his hotel and room number begging to see her. She tells me I should go and all I can think about is how I'm not going in the shape I'm in. She stalls with him and he tells her "I'm sorry if I blew it by coming on to your friend; you're both so hot. I want you both." Anyway, it goes on and on. I have no idea if she ever went to his room or not...I thought about finding a convenience store and buying a razor and shaving in my car, but then how desperate is that?!?

    Our photo together is my profile pic on Facebook and everyone has commented that LS looks like he was up to something; I wish I could tell them what. I mistakenly told my husband about what happened, thinking he would find it amusing. Not so much. I'm still in the "WTF, ya'll are supposed to be good Christian boys" thought about it all and yes, completely kicking myself. Omni. Room 413. WTF was I thinking. Idiot. Mostly though, when I'm at their shows and their little fan girls go "Don't you just love Jesus!" I want to say "no...and uh, get him drunk and he loves pussy more than Jesus too."

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  • A few of my best girlfriends and I have been planning an amazing trip to Jamaica together for months. Leaving husbands, boyfriends, work...everything behind. This time tomorrow I will be on a plane to Miami to spend a night partying in South Beach and then, JAMAICA, BABY!!!

    Will give ya'll a full report when I return!

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  • Jamaica and Miami were awesome! So great to catch up with some of my best friends that I never get to see anymore. We had a girls night in South Beach drinking fruity drinks and parading around on the beach during the day and dancing our asses off at night. In Jamaica we snorkeled, surfed, spent time in the spa, danced, drank, drank a lot more...but that's not what you care about, is it?

    My third night there we had found a little beach party and I was dancing with a guy from Houston...GORGEOUS! Tall, lean and muscular, shaved head, mid-twenties, dark eyes...very bad boy. Ugh, he was sexy. We spent most of the night flirting and dancing, but I wasn't planning on doing anything, so I excused myself to the bar. I was waiting in line when the guy in front of me turns to say something about the slow service and while not as sexy as the guy I'd been dancing with, there's something about his piercing blue eyes that about knock me on my ass. We strike up a conversation in line and then he offers to buy me a drink. We sit at the bar and later move to the fire pit and talk more. Good conversation...politics, religion...stuff that's supposed to be off limits. He's extremely intelligent and I'm completely smitten.

    We finally get into more personal details; he's 37, from Ft. Lauderdale, named Kirk (I learned that earlier), realtor and single. He's also 5'11-ish, medium build, black hair, blue eyes, short beard. I tell him the truth about me and he doesn't seem to mind. We keep talking and before I know it it's 3am. We go back to my room since I have less roommates, but they're awake. FUCK! Not caring he comes in and crawls in my bed. Thankfully, I have a bed and not a pullout sofa, so it's comfy. I crawl in next to him and we strip under the covers.

    My roomies are in disbelief, but are cracking up. We begin kissing, but I'm paranoid that they're all awake. He tells me if we went to his room, he's sharing a bed with a friend, so his room is definitely out, dammit. One friend flips on the radio and turns it up so we can have some noise distraction...and we start going at it under the covers. Because I'm flipped out over my friends being there, it's quick, but we fall asleep together after.

    We wake up before everyone else and have a second go at at. Much better this time around. Was able to enjoy his kisses. As he was slipping out, he woke everyone up by knocking over an empty wine bottle. Nice. Saw him around the resort a few times and he tried to strike up conversation the first run-in, but I was pissy about something and blew him off. I didn't mean too, but it happened. Afterward he seemed to avoid me; can't blame him.

    Super hot guy that I'd previously been dancing with saw me again the next day on an expedition we were both on. The states were pretty intense and I couldn't tell if it was "you bitch" or determination. He never said anything, but stared me down the whole time. My girls were even like "damn, go talk to him". I couldn't.

    So on our last night there I was at a very late dinner and he came in and sat at the table next to us. We'd finished and were just having drinks and so he excused himself from his friends and came over to my table and say at the chair across from me. Oh Jesus, he's wearing a tight black shirt and a beachy cowboy hat...mmm. He lifts his aviators and leans over the table and looks at me and says "So, that guy the other night. I'm better and now you're dying to find out if I'm right."

    I fucking creamed my panties right there. My girls just looked me, all gleefully stunned, jaws on table.

    "Joe, Joe, Joe...you cocky son of a bitch. You think I want to fuck you? That's so cute," I lie.

    He winks and walks back to his table. My girls instantly start in "you better do that, or I will!" they say. I tell them I will, but I'm not going to jump when he tells me to.

    Later that night we're in the club and I feel hands on my hips from behind and a bite on my neck. I look back and it's Joe. We grind out the next few songs, his hard cock pressing up against me. I dip down on the floor and come up and bit his stomach and chest through his tee on the way back up. "You slut," he purrs into my ear, and then we kiss...our tongues intertwined, our hands all over each other. We're no longer dancing,  but more trying to fuck each other through our clothes on a dance floor with our friends watching.

    I ask him if his room is available and he says it is so we go back there. As we're approaching the door, I'm taking off his shirt and then mine. I'm standing at his door in my bra and a sequin skirt. He grabs me and we stumble in and fall onto the sofa, he takes my bra off and begins biting my nipples. I find his belt and undo it and take off his shorts and he's slipping off of my skirt. He swings my legs over his shoulders and enters my wet pussy. I scream out in delight. I grab his arms and pull him into me and cup his shaved head...this is normally not sexy to me, but damn...on him, wow! I scratch my nails down his back as he pounds away. As he's off the sofa, he wraps my legs around his waist and hoists me up as he gets up to carry me to a bed and throws me down. I yell because I'm upset he's no longer in me.

    "Roll over," he commands.

    I do and he takes me from behind spanking my ass and pulling my hair. This turns me on like mad.

    "Harder, bitch!," I yell.

    As I start to cum I grab one of his hands and place it around my throat and he gives it a little squeeze and I cum hard. He doesn't break stride and keeps fucking me until he finishes. We fall into a heap on the bed and lay my head on his shoulder.

    "Fuck," I say. "Why did we wait til my last night to do this?

    "You left me for that other guy."

    I felt like an asshole. Not because I hurt Joe's feelings...I know I didn't, he probably fucked other girls between that night and me,  but because I could have been having this...I'm an asshole to myself.

    We laid there touching each other and then once we were ready went back at it again. We fell asleep together, briefly being disturbed when he roommate came in, and I woke up to him "having breakfast in bed". Never have I been woken up to a man eating my pussy, this is what I need every morning. HOLY SHIT! I didn't even care his roommate was asleep 10 feet away. I was lying there, nothing covering me...completely exposed with Joe face deep in my pussy. His tongue masterfully flicking my clit to arousal. Even when I heard Kevin, his roomie, stirring, I didn't care...I was on the verge of coming and I popped, Joe there licking it all up and then kissing his way up to my lips.

    "My god, I needed that," I said.

    "I know," he replied

    We laid there a bit longer before I had to get back to my room so I could pack to leave.

    Now I'm home and ready to go back. Honestly wasn't expecting anything like that, but so glad it happened.

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